R.I.C.O VOL. 2
Sign up for our newsletter now and get exclusive access to the first few chapters of “Unreleased” RICO Volume 2 for free! Don’t miss out on this limited time offer – subscribe today and be the first to dive into our thrilling new story.”
R.I.C.O. Vol 1 an urban street tale about an ex con Antonio Deangelo who just got out from doing a 15yr bid in the Federal prison system. While incarcerated, Antonio saved the life of a Mexican Cartel boss, Garcia Abregado, in which was his law Library partner. For his deed, Antonio was plugged in directly with a Mexican Cartel upon his release. With all the drugs he was blessed with, and street connects, Antonio built a Ruthless drug organization, along with a hot and successful rap music empire in Atlanta,Georgia quickly.
He solidified his alliance with the cartel, by performing a Hit, for his incarcerated Mexican partner. The victim was the son of a Star witness for the government, against his partner. That hit drawed the star witness out from witness protection, to seek revenge, for his son’s murder.
Meanwhile, a known big time drug dealer in Atlanta is murdered, Causing a big war in the streets. The Feds start their investigation into Antonio Deangelo and members of his Rap Label. Ultimately when some twin Females are murdered in Miami at a famous Hotel, during a shootout, and a separate murder in Miami of two Federal agents, in which had Antonio and his Entourage under surveillance, the manhunt for Antonio and his crew had begun. After a Deadly shootout in Dallas, Texas in which another federal agent was on surveillance, who was tracking the escaped government witness, and the kidnapping and Murder of a famous rapper, caused Antonio to go on the run to Detroit where he was later captured and arrested and extradited back to Atlanta to stand trial for a Rico indictment in which ironically was the name of his organization and record label.

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